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Yarn Clubs 2025

Colours of the month yarn club 2025

Each month there will be an EXCLUSIVE set of yarns that can be purchased in single skeins, sock sets, mini sets, Maxi sets and shawl sets. You will have the option to choose from a range of bases and also to choose a 3 month bundle to save on postage. The yarns are named after lyrics from a retro song and yarns in each collection are designed to work together. 


Here are the Release and Shipping Dates for each month going forward:

January - 20th December 7pm GMT - until 12th January. Shipped 17th January

February - 24th January 7pm GMT - until 9th February. Shipped 14th February

March - 28st February  7pm GMT - until 17th March. Shipped 21th March

April - 21st March 7pm GMT - until 13th April. Shipped 18th April

May - 25th April 7pm GMT - until 11th May. Shipped 16th May

June - 23rd May 7pm GMT- until 8th June. Shipped 13th June

July - 20st June 7pm BST- until 13th July. Shipped 18th July

August - 25th July 7pm BST- until 10th August. Shipped 15th August

September - 22nd Aug 7pm BST- until 14th Sept. Shipped 19th September

October - 26th Sept 7pm BST- until 12th Oct. Shipped 17th November.

November - 24th October 7pm BST- until 9th Nov. Shipped 14th November

December - 21st Nov 7pm BST- until 7th Dec. Shipped  12th December